Thursday, 8 February 2018

Photographer research - Saul Leiter

Why Saul Leiter
His work consists of street photography and he captures peoples ordinary everyday lifes which gives us an insight into how these places are daily and what people look like around the world. Saul Leiter's work uses frames to put the focus on something else and it makes his work very aesthetically pleasing to look at. 

This photograph is from his project 'Early Colours', he called this photo Red Umbrella for the obvious reason to what is seen in the image. This image shows a person walking outside using a very vibrant red umbrella, this sets the scene of the photograph and shows that the weather in this area is not the best it could possibly be snowing due to the excess snow on the window from which Saul took this photo. Saul took this image from the backseat of a car, he possibly took this whilst in traffic and took the opportunity to take pictures. This photograph has influenced me to photograph from inside a vehicle and take pictures of whatever is outside and use the window similar to what Saul has done, because this gives a very natural feel. This links to my topic of framing devices as the window acts as a frame to the landscape/person/object on the outside.

This image was taken in 1957, by looking at this image I feel Saul has edited this so it appears a little bit more old fashioned and vintage. The photograph shows a man in a taxi holding onto the safety hold, they appear to be in traffic as there is another car in front of the camera and they seem to be halted. The colours are very vibrant and attractive, using a low depth of field emphasises the colours on the car further away from the camera. This has influenced me to photograph everyday life and photograph whatever I feel is interesting and try to find a framing device in that image. The framing device is the car window looking into the taxi and seeing the man's hand, this creates a mystery as we don't know who this man is and where he is going.

I suspect this image is called snow because it must have snowed that day and the condensation on the window is the outcome of that snow. Too my imagination I think the man in this image is lighting a cigarette, you can't clearly see this happening but as the weather seems cold and smoking can make you feel warmer and relaxed which would be nice for this kind of weather. This image was taken from inside a building as the man is on the outside, the warmth of the radiators, etc from inside the building has created the condensation on the window. The blurriness has created a mystery affect as we don't exactly now what this man is doing and what he looks like. This has influenced me to use windows and create different affects on the people on the other side. The framing device in this image is the window, which frames the man. 

The image of this subway lady is very effective especially with the black and white filter on it. We don't know the exact emotion of this lady, so it is up to our imagination to decide how this lady is feeling - from the hanging of her head and her posture I believe she is tired or distressed. She appears to have luggage between her legs she may be travelling a far distance, away from home or going home. We do not know much about this image and who this woman is, so it is up to the viewer to choose the story behind this image. I could not find any information about this image, so there is not much I can say about this image that is now known, the interesting thing about this image is that we can decide who this lady is and what is happening. This looks to be taken behind a clear door where you enter through to get into the subway station. This has influenced me use doors and the windows on doors to capture a frame around people which is interesting, as your capturing someone behind something else. The framing device in this is the window in the door which captures the woman. 

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